2.3.2 Smashable glass, made by Econobrick

Adding Smashable Materials to your track

There are many types of smashable materials, but I only know how to do fences and glass, so that's what we'll cover here!

1. Your Track first has to be preprocessed (see "preprocessing")
2. Open Your Track's text file
3. Look for "// Smashable environment specs"
4. Under this, there will be a "0", change this number to the number of smashable materials you plan to have
5. Paste the following in (This is just for one material, paste it for however many materials you specified.)

For Glass... (Start copying at "// Start of smashable item")
// Start of smashable item
0					// Flags
[Enter Material Name here]		// Name of trigger material
texturechange				// Mode
[Enter cracked texture Name here]	// Intact pixelmap
3					// Number of levels

0.2				// Trigger threshold
0				// Flags
solid				// Collision type
	// Connotations:
	1				// number of possible sounds
	4530				// sound ID
	0				// Shrapnel count
	0				// Explosion size
	none				// Slick material
	0				// Number of non-cars activated
	0				// Radius of side-effect smashes
	0				// Extensions flags
	0				// Room turn on code
	none				// Award code
	0				// No run-time variable changes

1					// Number of pixelmaps
[Enter cracked texture Name here]	// Pixelmap

0.6				// Trigger threshold
0				// Flags
solid				// Collision type
	// Connotations:
	1				// number of possible sounds
	4530				// sound ID
	0				// Shrapnel count
	0				// Explosion size
	none				// Slick material
	0				// Number of non-cars activated
	0				// Radius of side-effect smashes
	0				// Extensions flags
	0				// Room turn on code
	none				// Award code
	0				// No run-time variable changes

1					// Number of pixelmaps
[Enter cracked texture Name here]	// Pixelmap

0.8				// Trigger threshold
0				// Flags
PASSTHROUGH			// Collision type
	// Connotations:
	1				// number of possible sounds
	4501				// sound ID
	1				// Shrapnel count
		shards		// Shrapnel type
		0,18		// Min, max towards you speed
		0.3		// Impactee velocity factor
		0.5		// Random velocity (max)
		0		// Random up velocity (max)
		0		// Random normal velocity (max)
		15.0		// Random spin rate (max)
		1.5,2.5		// Min time, Max time
		.4		// Min cut length
		0		// Flags
		R\25GL5		// Shrapnel material
	0				// Explosion size
	none				// Slick material
	0				// Number of non-cars activated
	0				// Radius of side-effect smashes
	0				// Extensions flags
	0				// Room turn on code
	none				// Award code
	0				// No run-time variable changes

1					// Number of pixelmaps
[Enter broken texture Name here]	// Pixelmap

0					// Reserved 1
0					// Reserved 2
0					// Reserved 3
0					// Reserved 4
(Stop copying at "reserved 4")

That's all!

2.3.1 Smashable fences Back to index 2.3.3 Other smashable stuff