BRender Technical Reference Manual:4 Data Structures (Alphabetical Reference):br_fraction
The Integral Type


The Integral Type

The br_fraction
138 type can be used to represent numbers in the range [-1,+1)*1. Although used internally, this type is not currently used by the BRender API.

Under the floating point library, br_fraction138 is a float. Under the fixed point library, br_fraction138 is a 16 bit signed fixed point number.

The typedef

(See scalar.h for precise declaration)

float br_fraction Floating point Signed Fraction

br_fixed_lsf br_fraction Fixed - Long Signed Fraction (0.15)


No standard operators are supported. Moreover, there are few macros that directly support fractional arithmetic. Convert to br_scalar332 and use that type's arithmetic macros instead.

The following macros are provided to assist with fractional vector arithmetic (see br_fraction138). In the following macros, arguments a, c, e and g are of type br_fraction138, b, d, f and h are of type br_scalar332. The macro computes a br_scalar332 result.

Return the equivalent of a * b + c * d .

Return the equivalent of a * b + c * d + e * f .

Return the equivalent of a * b + c * d + e * f + g * h .


Equality and comparison with zero are valid. Other standard comparison operators may be implemented by macros in future versions, but are currently valid.


From Numeric Constants

Convert x from any numeric constant to br_fraction138.

Smallest positive fractional value.

From Integral Types

To convert from integral types, use br_scalar
332 as an intermediary.

From br_scalar332

br_fraction BrScalarToFraction(br_scalar s)
Converts s from br_scalar332 to br_fraction138. It is up to the application to ensure the value is in the required range.

To Integral Types

To convert to integral types, use br_scalar332 as an intermediary.

To br_scalar332

br_scalar BrFractionToScalar(br_fraction f)
Converts s from br_fraction138 to br_scalar332. It is up to the application to ensure the value is in the required range.


Only assign zero, or fractions. Use conversions in all other cases.

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