Activates noncars.
1			 // Number of non-cars activated
	0,0      	 // Min, Max delay before activating
	absolute	 // Absolute / relative, see note 1.
	-1		 // Two-digit number of noncars to activate, -1 = any noncar. (09 can activate 09Lift.txt, etc.)
	83,-30,-18	 // Activation area, 1st corner of the box.
	84,30,-14	 // Activation area, 2nd corner of the box.
	0,0		 // Min, max towards you speed
	0		 // Impactee velocity factor
	0		 // Random velocity (max)
	0		 // Random up velocity (max)
	0		 // Random normal velocity (max)
	0	 	 // Random spin rate (max)
Note 1: How the activation area is placed in the world:
Relative: Activation area is around the smashable, the next two coords are the corners of the box, where 0,0,0 is the centre of the smashable.
Absolute: Activation area is somewhere in the world, the next two coords are the corners of the box (world coords), where 0,0,0 is the centre of the world.